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Board Members
2020-2021 Executive Board:
Reagan Kennedy// President
Brian Chiu// Vice President
Jeffrey Pham// Secretary
Tanya Mankerian// Treasurer
Anna Abaya// Social Outreach Chair
Shannon Patrice de Leon// Marketing and Public Relations Chair
2019-2020 Executive Board:
Nick Ngo// President
Reagan Kennedy// Vice President
Rachel Lee// Treasurer
Jeffrey Pham// Secretary
Chanel Jenkins// Social Outreach Chair
Brian Chiu// Marketing and Public Relations Chair
2018-2019 Executive Board:
Mai Ono// President
Parth Butani// Vice President
Wei Lei// Treasurer
Jake Jung// Secretary
Nick Ngo// Public Relations Chair
2017-2018 Executive Board:

Christina Shum
4th year, Biological Sciences
Quynh Phan
Vice President
4th year, Biopsychology
Chris Lam
4th year, Biopsychology

Mai Ono
3rd year, Biopsychology
Jake Jung
Membership Director/Public Relations Chair
3rd year, Biological Sciences
Asia Ramos-Turon
Community Service Chair
3rd year, Chemistry
2016-2017 Executive Board:

Anthony Quach

Judy Lau
Vice President

Jodie Fong

Zack Moreo

Mai Ono
Membership Director/
Public Relations Chair

Quynh Phan
Community Service Chair
2015-2016 Executive Board:
2014-15 Executive Members
2013-14 Executive Members
Irene Li //
Cindy Tran//
Tiffany Choi //
Vivian Nong//
Gina Ahmadyar//
Jesselyn Chang //
Chris Kurylo //
Judy Lau //
Vanessa Shi //
Anthony Quach //
Sarah Edwards //
Irene Li//
Tony Duong //
Vanessa Shi //
Vivian Nong //
Briana Figlio //
Vicki Truong //
Jesselyn Chang //
Cindy Tran //
Tiffany Choi //
Lynn Do //
Chelsea Carpenter//
Christine Quach //
Sarah Edwards //
Priscilla Moore //
Alex Loyer //
Nancy Ju //
Tony Duong //
Eliaho Barzi //
Vicki Truong //
2012-13 Executive Members
Alex Loyer //
Chelsea Carpenter//
Christina Stephenson //
David Bui //
Lisa Gizara //
Lynn Do //
Nancy Jue //
Sam Lai //
Jarett Gatchalian //
Jeniffer Lee //
Jeremy Barahona //
LisaGizara //
Lynn Do //
Sam Lai //
Sonny Yang //
2011-12 Executive Members
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